Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ice, Ice, Baby.

Is this the Atlantic ocean?  Nope, just my driveway.
I may become an ice princess. The ice is here and a slippery terrain has been left in its wake! Back in the days of college, falling on the way to class was at least a weekly occurrence to me. I left my dorm or house pretty much expecting to fall at some point on the journey. Since then, though, I got kind of spoiled by easy parking and access to my car.

But all of that has changed. My driveway looks like what I imagine hell frozen over might look like. There are rare patches of untouched pavement, and my most favorite terrain now – snow. Yes, I look for snow and puddles to walk upon because they’ll provide more traction. My steps are glossed over and definitely provide a big threat – and the banister to be used for stability, well, it’s not much use at this point.

Ice detail.  As you can see, it's extreme.

The show must go one, though. So what will I do tomorrow to face the slick and treacherous land that is my path to my Jeep?

1 – Gather all the salt I have in my house and sprinkle it in front of my every step – you know, Hansel and Gretel style in a way.

2 – Trade out my over the shoulder Coach bag for trusty JanSport backpack for event weight distribution and free arms and hands for balance.

3 – Make the ice my mortal enemy – i.e. look for patches with air underneath and CRUSH it!

4 – Wear a toboggan, and I don’t care if my hair gets messed up. Sixty percent of your body heat can escape through your head, so why be cold and stressed?

But what in my wandering eye should appear?  It's bags of salt from my neighbor dear!
Jeepie is safely tucked away in the garage, aka, stable.
That’s all I’ve got for now. In a weird way, I’m looking forward to this adventure tomorrow. I think I’m nuts possibly, but what can you do.

Now if I only had the slip on spikes for my shoes like I had for Script Ohio on Ice.

Be safe everyone!

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