Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Blog is Back.

Whoa! It’s been three months since I’ve last blogged and I’ve missed it terribly!  Toward the end of May, summer got super busy, so before I get back in to my regularly scheduled blog posts, here’s a brief summary of summer 2011.  When I say brief, I mean like, two main things.  But have no fear, I wasn't bored!

To kick off the summer, I traveled to Churchill Downs for opening night with Miss Leah Finney (Now Mrs. Ryan Curtis) for her bachelorette party.  We had a great time taking in the sights, sounds and tastes of Louisville while celebrating Leah.  And although it was a short trip, it was awesome!  In addition to watching some races (and winning a few coins I might add) we sampled some of the best food and drinks in town.

This drink is known as muddy river water.  As a River Rat born and raised, I had to give it a try.  Not too shabby, but not as good as a swig of real Ohio River water – just kidding, just kidding.

Giddy up little ponies, giddy up!

I gained enough courage to gamble a little.  I bet on Sober Living and NeedaDrink, they didn’t lose me any money!

Of course the trip wouldn’t be right without a mint julep.  I do fancy such beverages.

Meanwhile, back in Ohio, my friends Abby and Lindsey and I also took a day to visit Dawes Arboretum.  It’s a cool place with lots of letterboxes! 

Dawes Family Homestead – I wouldn’t mind living there.

In one of the gardens we found this sculpture, which I believe to be a magical port key to take us to Harry Potter world.  Being muggles, we couldn’t get it to work, though.

Of course other things happened this summer, too, but now that I’ve shared a couple of “I HAVE to talk about this on my blog” events, I can get on with more recent excitement.  Next up, canning adventures.  Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. it is a japanese old stone lantern not a magical port key, but is beautiful though
